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This paper presents the basic concepts of Pierre Janet’s psychopathological hypotheses, by placing them within the framework of the “psychology of conduct”. The importance of such hypotheses for the understanding…
Pierre Janet expounded repeatedly, in his writings, the three main differences between his theory, that he had called psychological analysis, and Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory. First, the concept of narrowing…
The article considers which way psychoanalysis might have taken if, instead of the Freudian model of repression and a fantasmatic understanding of trauma, Janet’s model of dissociation and his “analytic…
With the Automatisme Psychologique, Pierre Janet actually opened the field of studies of the organization of consciousness phenomena in psychopathology. Nowadays, this seminal contribution is correctly seen as the origin…
The section opens with the definition of fiction: it’s a storytelling, useful both to give organization to own’s internal world both to give meaning to human experience. We then move…
The paper aims to discuss the narrative as a methodological device within a clinical setting for psychological intervention. The authors present the narrative as a process of meaning of the…
The aim of this text is to make an analysis of the clinical case. It is focused not on the content, but on the form, and in particular on the…
In psychoanalysis interpretation is not only the search for meaning in narratives told by the patient, but it’s also an attempt to transform it. Narrative semiotic (Greimas 1970, 1983) analyzes…
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