Submissions should be sent via the web page One copy of each article is required and should be sent to the following address: Authors must ensure that their work is original and has not been submitted to any other journal. The title should be followed by the author’s name, the institute or faculty to which they belong, and their email address.

Each article should be accompanied by a summary that clearly states the original aspects and basic thesis of the article in terms of subject, method, results, and conclusions. Experimental articles should include: a) a brief introduction; b) a detailed description of the method used, and c) the results and an appropriate discussion of the data.

Diagrams and tables should be accompanied by clear captions. Authors are also requested to indicate exactly where they should be placed within the text.

Authors are solely responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce figures and other published material.

Bibliography and citations within the article must fully comply with the APA standard style latest edition (7th).

Visit this link to read the guide to the correct APA bibliography and in-text citations.

All submissions will be reviewed blindly by the Editors and external referees. A draft will be sent after final acceptance, at this point authors will be required to complete and sign our copyright agreement, our disclosure agreement and, when applicable, a statement that written and informed consent has been obtained following a thorough explanation of the procedure.

Each author must also declare whether there are any financial, personal, or professional interests that could be construed to have influenced the work.

Any relevant competing interests of the authors must be available to the editors and reviewers during the review process and will be declared in the published articles.

All authors must download and sign a conflict of interest statement, available as a PDF at, and send a copy with the article.

Finally, the author must declare that the article has been written in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Care and Use of Animals”.

All accepted articles will only be published after the copyright form and declarations of interest have been properly completed, signed, and submitted.

Submission and, in case of acceptance, publication of the work is free of charge.

The costs for the publication of conference proceedings will be charged in full (including postage) to the interested parties.

Articles should be about 8-15,000 words.